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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

ANAMORPHOSIS - Revista Internacional de Direito e Literatura is permanently open to submissions. ANAMORPHOSIS has no article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges.

Only original, unpublished papers are accepted, as far as they aren’t being evaluated for publications in any other journal or, they must justify in “Comments to the Editor”.

The texts must be written in Portuguese, English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

ANAMORPHOSIS discloses scientific articles and reviews whose content tunes up with the topic Law and Literature.



The articles must have 15 to 20 pages, including introduction, footnotes, conclusion and references.

The reviews must have 3 to 5 pages.


General Formatting:

Format: the pages must be configured in the format A4, without numbers, with 3 cm in the upper and left borders and 2 cm in the top right borders.

Paragraphs and Borders: in the text, the body should be size 12, paragraph indentation of 1,5 cm, leading 1,5 cm.

Font: Times New Roman.

Abstract: at most 200 words, normal, size 12, simple space, without indent.

Key Words: up to 5 words, separated by semi collon, in normal body, without indent.

Title of the article: body size 12, centralized, in Capital letters and in bold letter.

Sub title: If there happens to be one, it must be written in bold letters, body size 12, Just the initial letter and the proper nouns in Capital letters and without numbers.

Indications: indications of titles of papers and journals must be written in italic letters; tales and poems must come between collons.

Highlights and griffins: in foreign words or expressions, italic letters must be used.


Citing authors: in-text citation must follow the norms below:

- one author: (Cervantes, 1987, p. 12);

- two authors: (Kerchove e Ost, 1997, p. 20);

- three or more authors: (Marí et al., 1982, p. 40);

- works by the same author(s) and same date should be differentiated by letters (a,b,c) after the date. E.g. (Dworkin, 2000a, p. 36) (Dworkin, 2000b, p. 71).



Short quotations (containing less than three lines) must be incorporated into the text in quotation marks.

Long quotations (longer than three lines) must be presented in an isolated paragraph, with simple spacing, font size 11 and the left margin larger than the surrounding text (4cm).



Footnotes must be used only when strictly necessary for information that is complementary to the text, body size 10, normal, simple space. Footnotes containing only references are not allowed.



In case the article contains photographic images and/or graphic drawings, those must be submitted in original format (.jpeg, .png, .tiff) and in separated files (not inserted in the text), with minimal resolution of 300 dpi. Authors must indicate by the insertion of captions where approximately the pictures should be inserted.


Publication rights:

The author must be responsible for the authrization of the publication of images and translation, if these are not in public domain. The author or the translator must possess the documentation referring to the right over the translated paper and images, allowing its translation and its publication in our magazine. It’s essencial for the author to send this permission while the paper is being submitted.



The references must be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, font 12, and with simple spacing. References must follow the rules below:



SURNAME, Name.. Book title. City: publisher, year of publication. [the total number of pages]p.


DWORKIN, Ronald. Levando os direitos a sério. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2002. 568p.


Book chapters:

SURNAME, Name. Chapter title. In: Initial(s) Name. SURNAME (Ed.), Book title. City, publisher, year of publication. p.[initial page-final page].


CÁRCOVA, Carlos Maria. As inquietações do Dr. Domitilo. In: STRECK, Lenio; TRINDADE, André Karam (Orgs.). Direito e literatura. São Paulo: Atlas, 2013. p. 135-142.

GADAMER, H. G. Problemas de la razón práctica. In: GADAMER, H. G. (Ed.). Verdad y metodo II. Salamanca: Sígueme, 1991. p. 293-308.


Journal articles:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Article title. Journal Title, v. [volume], n. [issue], p. [initial page-final page], month and year.


TRINDADE, André Karam; GUBERT, Roberta Magalhães. 20 anos de constitucionalismo democrático: avanços, retrocessos e novos desafios em “terrae brasilis”. Revista do Instituto de Hermenêutica Jurídica, Porto Alegre, n. 6, p. 7-14, 2008.


Articles from publications related to events:

SURNAME, Name. Title of work. In: Name of conference (meeting, symposium, etc.), number of the event, city, year. Proceedings ... City: publicher, year of publication. p. [initial page-final Page].


MOTTA, Ivan Dias da; MOCHI, Cássio Marcel. Lei e legitimidade: conflitos da forma de ser e conflitos da existência de princípios em “Antígona” de Sófocles. In: XXVIII CONGRESSO NACIONAL DO CONPEDI, Brasília, 2008. Anais... Florianópolis: Fundação Boiteux, 2008. p. 2435-2052.


Thesis and dissertations:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of the thesis. Type of thesis (MA, PhD)– University, city, year. [the total number of pages] f.


TRINDADE, André Karam. Garantismo versus Attivismo: in difesa d’una teoria garantista della decisione giudiziale. Tese (Doutorado em Direito)–Università Degli Studi di Roma Tre, Roma, 2011. 242 f.


Sites and electronic texts:

-    In case it is possible to identify the authors of the electronic texts, the reference must be indicated as follows:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Year of publication. Title of work. Available at: <URL>. Accessed on: day month year.


POMPEU, Júlio César. Representações sociais sobre autores de crimes em comentários de notícias policiais. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2014.

* In this case, when in the body of the text, the reference is identified by (Pompeu, 2014).


-    If it is not possible to identify the authors of the electronic texts, the reference should be indicated as follows:

SOURCE/SITE. Title of work. Available at: <URL>. Accessed on: Day month year.


GLOBO ONLINE, O. Brasil será o país com mais sedes do Instituto Cervantes. Disponível em: < cultura/mat/2006/10/25/286393283.asp>. Accessed on: April 5th, 2008.

* In the body of the text, the quote will be: (O Globo Online, 2008).


Newspapers and magazines, organs and institutions:

-    All the texts from newspapers and magazines must be included in the references. In case there is an explicit author, the reference is indicated by the surname:

SURNAME, Initial(s) name. Title of work. Source (newspaper, organs, institutions, etc.). Session (Column, etc.). City, day month year.


MICELLI, S. 1987. Um intelectual do sentido. Folha de S. Paulo. Caderno Mais! São Paulo, February 7.

* In the body of the text it is indicated as (Micelli, 1987).

 -    In case there is no author and the text is under the responsibility of an organ, the reference is indicated as follows:

SOURCE (newspaper, organs, institutions, etc.). Title of work. City, day month year, p. [number page].


CORREIO DO POVO. Os métodos objetivos de verificação que empregamos no RS. Porto Alegre, 5 October 1945, p. 14.

* In the body of the text, it shall be indicated as (Correio do Povo, 1945).



The JURISDICTION (or the Head of authority, in case we are dealing with regulaments ), title, notation, date and publication data. In case of Constitutions or its amendments, the Word Constitution will be added between the jurisdiction’s name and the title, then the year of the proclamation, in parenthesis.


SÃO PAULO (Estado). Decreto n. 42.822, de 20 de janeiro de 1998. Lex: coletânea de legislação e jurisprudência, São Paulo, v. 62, n. 3, p. 217-220, 1998.

BRASIL. Medida provisória n. 1.569-9, de 11 de dezembro de 1997. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, 14 dez. 1997. Seção 1, p. 29514.

BRASIL. Decreto-lei n. 5.452, de 1 de maio de 1943. Lex: coletânea de legislação: edição federal, São Paulo, v. 7, 1943. Suplemento.

BRASIL. Código civil. 46. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 1995.

BRASIL. Congresso. Senado. Resolução no 17, de 1991. Coleção de Leis da República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, DF, v. 183, p. 1156-1157, maio/jun. 1991.

BRASIL. Constituição (1988). Emenda constitucional n. 9, de 9 de novembro de 1995. Lex: legislação federal e marginália, São Paulo, v. 59, p. 1966, out./dez. 1995.



JURISDICTION. Competent Judiciary organ. Title [nature of the decision or amendment] number, involved parts (if there are any), reporter, place, date and publication data.


BRASIL. Supremo Tribunal Federal. Súmula n. 14. In: ______. Súmulas. São Paulo: Associação dos Advogados do Brasil, 1994. p.16.

BRASIL. Superior Tribunal de Justiça. Habeas-corpus n. 181.636-1, 6a Câmara Cível do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, Brasília, DF, 6 de dezembro de 1994. Lex: jurisprudência do STJ e Tribunais Regionais Federais, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 103, p. 236-240, mar. 1998.

BRASIL. Tribunal Regional Federal (5. Região). Apelação cível n. 42.441-PE (94.05.01629-6). Apelante: Edilemos Mamede dos Santos e outros. Apelada: Escola Técnica Federal de Pernambuco. Relator: Juiz Nereu Santos. Recife, 4 de março de 1997. Lex: jurisprudência do STJ e Tribunais Regionais Federais, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 103, p. 558-562, mar. 1998.


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