Methodological reflections on legal research and visual arts
Law and Visual Arts, Law and Literature, Methodology, Legal researchAbstract
The relationship between Law and visual arts holds a potential for creativity, imagination, and a critical transformation of the Law. Images also participate in the discursive system of Law and produce effects upon it. Connecting individual imagination and social imaginary, the visual arts share in the process of the visual legitimation of Law. The central question is how to establish, in methodological terms, this complex relationship? What types of research exist? What are the possibilities of connection, and what purposes do the different forms of relationship between Law and visual arts serve? Following an analytical methodology and a technical bibliographic review, particularly inspired by the methodological reflections in the field of Law and Literature by Karan (2017), this paper distinguishes four epistemic dimensions of analysis: a) law of art, b) law as art, c) law in art, and d) law through art; and four methodological levels of image usage as a) illustration, b) ornamentation, c) dissemination, and d) critical representation of Law. As a result, it is concluded that studies on Law and visual arts can contribute to the expansion of legal knowledge, especially in times of dogmatism and simplification within the Law.Downloads
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