Fat and unkempt: two genealogical examples of burlesque poetry about congressmen
In this paper, two burlesque poems from the Mexican poetry tradition of modern legal-politics are analyzed. On the one hand, the 19th century poem “Un diputado de provincia”, anonymously written, collected from the folklore. On the other hand, the poem “EAbstract
In this paper, two burlesque poems from the Mexican poetry tradition of modern legal-politics are analyzed. On the one hand, the 19th century poem “Un diputado de provincia”, anonymously written, collected from the folklore. On the other hand, the poem “El diputado”, by Renato Leduc, published in the book Catorce poemas burocráticos y un corrido reaccionario para solaz y esparcimiento de las clases económicamente débiles (1963). These two compositions give readers a series of themes alike, as well as certain style matching characteristics. Thus, the intention is to trace a genealogy between the two texts of Mexican lyricism, which is necessary for the study of Law and Literature applied to civic and political poetry.Downloads
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