Copyright: the (im)possibility of preventing criminals from profiting with literary works about their crimes
criminal, copyright, personality rights, literature, profit.Abstract
Intellectual creation is widely protected by national and international diplomas. This paper questions the (im)possibility of preventing criminals from profiting from the publicity of their crimes. This discussion involves collisions of rights. The research’s methodological focus is on the analysis of national and international diplomas available on the subject. Solid arguments are sought in order to reconcile the public interest and the freedom of expression of the author with personality and patrimonial rights over his or her work. For this, the present study uses the dialectic method and the monographic procedure, which consists of the analysis of the norms, of the doctrine related to the topic, as well as national and foreign jurisprudence. The conclusion is that restricting the author’s patrimonial right does not promote convincing public interest, according to the Brazilian legal system.
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