Interfaces between “O alienista” and Foucault's conception of madness: a way out of the legal alienation of madness
O alienista, Machado de Assis, Michel Foucault, Relações de saber e poder, Ação de interdiçãoAbstract
This article, by means of a jusliterary study, analyzes the elements of the artistic work O alienista by Machado de Assis through the theoretical contribution of Michel Foucault about the relations of knowledge and power that surround madness. The dialogue carried out leads to a critical reading of the interdiction action rules in force in Brazil. It is concluded that the contemporary judicial interdiction is very much similar to the scenario of alienation narrated by the brazilian writer. Faced with so many procedural subjects, the voice of the person in the process of judicial interdiction is either directed by someone, or repressed by the statutes, discourses, and truths infiltrated in this technique, as in a polyphonic novel, where that person is a mere figurant. As a possible “way out” for this legal-procedural alienation, the opposite path is suggested: giving a loud voice and protagonism to the disabled person.
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