Law and metaficction in Black mirror: justice and revenge go hand in hand with “The white bear”


  • Joaquim Humberto Oliveira Universidade do Grande Rio.
  • Sergio Bragança Junior Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos


metafiction, justice, revenge


One of the great recent successes in the series world is Black Mirror. A sci-fi work launched in 2011, is presented in an anthology format. The episode selected for analysis is entitled White Bear. The reason for the choice is due to its thematic approach to the complex association of revenge with justice. Categorized as a metafiction, the series employs resources to connect what the viewer watches with their actual experience. Under such effects, the spectator is prompted to observe the forms that shape the perception of their daily life. These constructions are properly attributed to the field of social imagery. Among the imagined forms, it stands out the form that organizes the realization of justice itself. Accepted by the imaginary is the option to reach it under the aegis of the State and the Law. But the breach of this expectation is enough for revenge to return as a rule of retaliation. Since the mythological universe, with its vengeful heroes and heroines, revenge is a recurring theme in the history of mankind. However, the means of promoting it are being innovated. It is aimed, with metafiction in White Bear, to analyze the forms of revenge enhanced in the society of the show with the sharing of personal images (revenge porn) and lynching in social networks. 

One of the great recent successes in the series world is Black Mirror. A sci-fi work launched in 2011, is presented in an anthology format. The episode selected for analysis is entitled White Bear. The reason for the choice is due to its thematic approach to the complex association of revenge with justice. Categorized as a metafiction, the series employs resources to connect what the viewer watches with their actual experience. Under such effects, the spectator is prompted to observe the forms that shape the perception of their daily life. These constructions are properly attributed to the field of social imagery. Among the imagined forms, it stands out the form that organizes the realization of justice itself. Accepted by the imaginary is the option to reach it under the aegis of the State and the Law. But the breach of this expectation is enough for revenge to return as a rule of retaliation. Since the mythological universe, with its vengeful heroes and heroines, revenge is a recurring theme in the 


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Author Biographies

Joaquim Humberto Oliveira, Universidade do Grande Rio.

Doutor pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/RJ). Professor de Filosofia no PPG em Humanidades, Culturas e Artes da Universidade do Grande Rio (UNIGRANRIO); e no Curso de Direito do Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos (UNIFESO).

Sergio Bragança Junior, Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos

Graduado em História pela Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR). Graduando em Direito no Centro Universitário Serra dos Órgãos (UNIFESO).


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GT 3 O Direito através da literatura