The vulnerability of private life promoted by social midias: the analysis of the work “Thursday’s court” of Michel Laub under the optics of fear in Zygmunt Bauman
fear, Zygmunt Bauman, law and literature, thursday’s court, social networksAbstract
Nowadays, the individual lives, in the networks, the sensation os fear and vulnerability, because, at any moment, he can have his private life exposed and condemned by his peers. In this sense, as a way of bringing greater sensitivity to this reality, we analyze the literary work Thursday’s Court of Michel Laub, in which the protagonits, José Victor, lived that feeling of being virtually lynched and having his reputation stained, that is, to have been put in the bank of the defendants. In turn, to support the present study, we present the philosophical aspects of Zygmunt Bauman, in which there is the explanation of this sense of insecurity, of being susceptible to danger and vulnerable to the lack of confidence inother individuals, for account of the constant vigilance of the life privacy of others.
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