Submerse narratives: flagrant problems as from “The green mile”
flagrant, custody hearing, narratives.Abstract
The arrest in flagrant takes on the presumption that the person there imprisoned practiced a certain crime, that is, the benefit of the doubt ceases to exist, at least in that act, since, even in the case of summary cognition, the authorship rests on itself , in addition to establishing as certain the existence of the fact. There begin a series of procedural acts, which will continue until a final decision about the fact - criminal proceedings. The problem arises when, when considering the way in which the appropriate procedural procedure is instrumented to ascertain the occurrence, there is a suppression of the possibility of possible reports from the arrested in the act, occurring the phenomenon here nicknamed "submerged narratives", so that at if we analyze the scene of the flagrant, there is a whole narrative that could possibly explain the situation that remains submerged, since it is not opportune to unveil it. In order to establish this problem, starting from a literary example, namely Stephen King's book The green mile, this article will analyze the problems that exist in the question of the flagrant, such as the proceduralisation of custody hearings.Downloads
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