History of your life and how the Law system could open to the new



Law and Literature, evolution, subsystem of Law.


Ted Chiang's History of His Life is a tale about future and communication, it is the story of a linguist who, learning a new alien language, has all of her linear perception of revised reality. In this sense, it is known that this new perception of the world of the character was only reached by allowing itself to accept the existence of something new, a fact that reminds us of the perception of circular society proposed by Luhmann in his systemic autopoietic theory. Social systems, and here deserves emphasis the subsystem of law, evolve when they open to the new, a fact that is faced with great difficulties, since the law is not allowed to open to the unimaginable, operating therefore closed, even before of a highly complex and systemic world. In this way, the aim of this article is to answer the following problematic, as the subsystem of Law, as the linguist did in the story, could open to the new(?), considering that this is not a system of first order of contemporary society. To do so, a review of national and international bibliographies will be carried out in order to arrive at a response to the problem. 


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Author Biographies

Pedro Ernesto Neubarth Jung, Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos


Leonel Severo Rocha, Unisinos - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos



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GT 4 Direito e Humanidades