Restorative justice: a pratical conceptual metamorphism of justice in the light of “Capitães da areia”



Capitães da Areia, penal system, restorative justice, humanization


Although historical and philosophical revolutions have inspired the society, it is still observed, strongly disseminated, the ideology of a retributive and compensatory justice.  Restorative justice rises like a counterpoint to ensure the individual freedoms, the human dignity to all, and not only to the most fortunate or to a certain layer of the society, ‘worthy’ of justice. Celebrating the 70 years of the publication of Capitães da Areia, the article is aimed at expanding its reading for the analysis of the presence of retributive justice in the Brazilian culture, which endures until the present days in the penal system. It will be shown the punitive and compensatory practice, based on the work under analysis, to juvenile delinquents, mostly abandoned, orphans, and persistent young offenders. With the support of John Rawls's Theory of Justice, this article intends to expose the need of a practical conceptual transformation of justice applied to date and to propose the application of restorative justice in the society.


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Author Biography

Sabrina Artico Bragante, Universidade de Uberaba - UNIUBE

Graduanda em Direito


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GT 2 Direito, linguagem e narrativa