Justice for bricoleurs: Ronald Dworkin and the renewal within tradition from law as literature


  • Gilberto Morbach Unisinos
  • Luísa Giuliani Bernsts Unisinos


Ronald Dworkin, chain novel, law and literature


According to Dworkin, law is an interpretive practice, better understood from an analogy with literature. Like a chain novel, in which each author must write a new chapter in order to create the best possible unified novel, so is the judicial practice. Therefore, from the dworkinian conception of law as literature, this essay, under a phenomenlogical "method" approach, seeks to discuss law as integrity and its underlying possibilities of, on the one hand, renewing tradition and the interpretations of legal practice as a democratic practice, and, on the other hand, respecting the legal tradition. After all, tradition can only be itself in a constant becoming another. (Full abstract available in the original text)


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Author Biographies

Gilberto Morbach, Unisinos

Master's degree in Public Law with a CNPq scholarship at Unisinos (present). Bachelor in Law (Universidade Feevale; 2012-2017). A member of Dasein - Núcleo de Estudos Hermenêuticos (Centre of Hermeneutical Studies), and of ABPro (Brazilian Association of Procedural Law). Lawyer.

Luísa Giuliani Bernsts, Unisinos

Master's Degree at Unisinos. Bachelor in Law at IMED. A member of RDL - Rede Brasileira Direito e Literatua.


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