“The revolution of the animals” and the pigs of the law: the power, the economy and the exclusion



Right, Exclusion, Constitution, Democracy, Empowerment.


After the time of the edition of The Animals Revolution (1945), its content starts from the universal to the particular one today and has as the background the politics, the power and the exclusion. In this line of measurement between the Federal Constitution from 1988 to 2017, there was the handling of the Right by the politics in favor of the economy. Orwell saw that behind the Law is politics that holds power; in turn, excludes, manipulates, and enslaves the mass. The objective of the research is to demonstrate that the Law is at the service of power and the economy and that the Federal Constitution has not had social space. The methodology has a political approach and historical procedure by the study of the LC case of MEI by AED. The hypothesis lies in constitutional morality and solidarity and its structuring function of society.


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Author Biography

Daniela Regina Pellin, UNISINOS/BRASIL/RS

Doutoranda em Direito Público na UNISINOS. Bolsista CAPES/PROEX. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa JUSNANO/CNPq. Mestre em Direito da Sociedade da Informação (FMUSP) Professora de Direito. Pesquisadora em Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Direito. email: daniela.pellin@terra.com.br


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GT 2 Direito, linguagem e narrativa