“Hacksaw ridge”: freedom and conscientious objection


  • Flávia Hagen Matias Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público (FMP)


Hacksaw Ridge, conscientious objection, consciousness, freedom.


From the film Hacksaw Ridge, this essay seeks to analyze conscientious objection in the democratic state of law, whose guiding values of freedom of conscience, pluralism and democracy must guarantee dissent as broadly as possible. Therefore, will be made an analysis of consciousness in the classical literature of Sophocles and Plato will be carried out; then, the exam of your understanding from Christianity to secularism; after, the verification of conscientious objection within the United States and specifically military; next, the definition of the institute; and, finally, the review of the film Hacksaw Ridge.The method used is the inductive one, seeking, from the analysis of the concrete case to reach general truths, and about the method of procedure, the monographic and historical modes were adopted, using the documentation search technique indirect.


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Author Biography

Flávia Hagen Matias, Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público (FMP)

Advogada e mestre em Direito pela Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público, área de concentração Tutelas à Efetivação de Direitos Indisponíveis.


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GT 3 O Direito através da literatura