Utopia, literature and law





Utopia, Law, literature, symbolic action.


The world goes through multiple crises and we need to transform our reality. But what is reality and how to transform it? The article begins by questioning the traditional conception of reality and assumes that what can be achieved is to represent the world around us, and this representation will always be provisional and subject to change. One way of changing the representation is through symbolic action. If perceptions, thoughts, and values change, then reality changes. To transform reality, we must have a life project that is feasible and viable and that leads us to something better, which can be called utopia. But utopia requires imagination. The best way to feed imagination and thus visualize other possible worlds is through art in general and literature in particular. Law has played an important role in creating and sustaining the world as we know it. If the world has to change, so must the law. Hence the need to observe, criticize and create a new Law, filled with imagination and utopia, and to turn to literature as a means to achieve it.


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Author Biography

Ramiro Avila Santamaría, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Sede Ecuador

Doctor en Sociología Jurídica por la Universidad del País Vasco. Master en Derecho por Columbia University (New York). Master en Sociología Jurídica por la Universidad del País Vasco-Instituto Internacional de Sociología Jurídica (Oñati).  Docente de planta del Área de Derecho de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar-Sede Ecuador, dirige el Área de Derecho y coordina la Maestría internacional en investigación en Derecho. 


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How to Cite

AVILA SANTAMARÍA, R. Utopia, literature and law. ANAMORPHOSIS - International Journal of Law and Literature, Porto Alegre, v. 4, n. 2, p. 379–406, 2018. DOI: 10.21119/anamps.42.379-406. Disponível em: https://periodicos.rdl.org.br/anamps/article/view/467. Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.