Three steps to discomfort the teaching of law from the humanities




Law Teaching, Law and Humanities, Curriculum, Internalist and externalist approach, Prescriptive attitude


Those of us who cultivate Law and Literature, propose as an option to make the formalism that occurs in the teaching of Law more flexible, the incorporation of Art in the classroom. For this, it is necessary to face, first, the challenge posed by the interdisciplinary, specifically, the relationship between Law and Humanities. In this regard, American academics Jack Balkin and Sanford Levinson have pointed out that the relationship between Law and the Humanities is "uncomfortable." To account for this characteristic in Latin American Law, we will describe (1) the study plan of the career and the division that is at the base of it, that is, Code subjects and subjects that are not Code subjects. Then, we will use (2) the "internalist" and "externalist" approach of the aforementioned academics, to analyze said study plan in its methods and the attitudes it promotes. Finally, we will conceptualize (3) the prescriptivist attitude of Law, to account for the type of student that is expected to be formed in legal classrooms. I will end (4) with some conclusions that will give clues as to how, based on the three previous points, the relationship between Law and Humanities can be favored and Art has a relevant space in Latin American Law Schools.


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Author Biography

Camilo Arancibia Hurtado, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Doctorando en Filosofía, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España). Profesor Ayudante de Derecho Civil, Escuela de Derecho, Universidad de Valparaíso. Valparaíso, Chile


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How to Cite

ARANCIBIA HURTADO, C. Three steps to discomfort the teaching of law from the humanities. ANAMORPHOSIS - International Journal of Law and Literature, Porto Alegre, v. 9, n. 1, p. e1113, 2024. DOI: 10.21119/anamps.9.1.e1113. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.


